Category Archives: Women

Your health cover – seven reasons why it shouldn’t be set and forget …

All too often people take out health cover at one life stage and forget to update it as their needs, and the needs of their family, change over time. Peta Gane, from rt’s member services team, shares some expert tips to getting the right kind of cover for your needs – and why your health cover should have an occasional health check!

‘We’ve all heard about people caught without the right level of health cover. It’s really distressing for the person and for us when we find someone is on the wrong cover for their needs. That’s why it’s so important to give your health cover a health check from time to time,’ she says.

Peta says she and the team at rt find people who might be on the wrong type of cover by looking at their age and the level of cover they have, and by comparing it with data that tells them the types of medical treatments people in those age groups are most likely to use.

Taking a proactive approach and reviewing your health cover by talking to a representative will make sure your needs are met. Peta explains saying: ‘It’s important to encourage people to give their health cover a regular check. And, there are a number of life events and stages when checking your level of cover may be especially important.’ These include:

01 You’re turning 31, thinking of dropping your hospital cover or if you’re new to Australia

You may be at risk of getting stuck with a Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) loading if:

  • you don’t have private hospital insurance before 1 July following your 31st birthday
  • you’re over the age of 31 and have had hospital cover, but let it lapse
  • you’ve moved to Australia and are eligible to receive full Medicare entitlements.

‘The LHC loading is a government penalty designed to encourage people to take out
private hospital cover and to keep it. Once you have an LHC loading, you’ll have to
pay it for ten continuous years, so avoiding it or minimising it as early as possible is
important – the team at rt can show you how,’ says Peta.

02 You’re planning a trip

Australian private health insurance only covers you for treatment you receive in Australia and for products and services you buy in the country. So, if you’re heading overseas for 28 days or more, suspend your cover.

03 You get a pay rise

‘If you’re earning over a certain amount and you don’t have private hospital cover, you’ll be charged an additional tax called the Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS). Single people earning over $90,000 a year and couples/families earning over $180,000 are affected. If this applies to you, you’re better off having hospital cover than paying the extra tax – you’ll avoid the surcharge and gain all the benefits of private cover. The income tiers are set by the tax office; the current tiers are in place until 30 June 2018,’ explains Peta.

04 You’re planning a family

‘Having a baby is an exciting time and one of your most important considerations will be where you plan to have your baby and who you want to see you through your pregnancy.’ Peta urges you to check that the hospital cover you have includes pregnancy in a private hospital and remember that waiting periods may apply before you’re covered if you are new to a fund or if you upgrade to a cover that includes pregnancy. ‘If you have a single membership with rt, for example, you’ll need to upgrade to a family or sole-parent family membership at least two months before the baby’s due date. If you don’t upgrade, and your baby needs hospital care following birth, your baby won’t be covered. If you already have a couple, family or sole-parent family membership your baby will be covered if hospital care is needed. Planning ahead enables you to put your mind at ease so you can enjoy a healthy pregnancy and beyond, our team can guide you,’ she explains.


05 The kids are growing

Got kids who might need orthodontic treatment soon? Get the right kind of extras cover to help during this important (and expensive) time. ‘When your kids reach about 12, think about checking or upgrading your extras to make sure they are covered if they need orthodontic treatment,’ says Dr Lincoln Law, dentist at Healthy Teeth. ‘There’s a waiting period of 12 months before you can claim orthodontics if you’re not already covered, so as with everything that’s important in life, plan ahead!’ adds Peta.

06 You’re celebrating a graduation

With rt, your children can be covered by your family or sole-parent family membership until their 21st birthday. After that, they can stay on your membership until they’re 25 if they’re studying full-time at an approved Australian school, college or university, and aren’t married or living in a de facto relationship. If they aren’t studying, you can keep the kids covered under your membership for an additional contribution that’s a fraction of what they’d pay for their own cover. ‘It’s called ‘family extension and it’s available with rt’s Premium Hospital cover,’ Peta explains.

If you join or are with rt health, your kids are eligible to join, and provided they transfer to their own membership with an equivalent level of cover within two months of leaving yours, they’ll have no waiting periods to serve.

07 There’s a significant birthday on the horizon

Celebrating important milestones in the family is one of life’s greatest joys. But with different ages and stages, come different health needs. As you get older, you’re more likely to need certain types of medical treatment for knees, hips, hearts and more.


‘No matter what your life stage, think about whether your health cover is working for you right now. And, will it meet your upcoming needs? We’re committed to providing our existing and new members with the best advice possible and matching them with the right cover for their changing needs!’ ends Peta.

Call us on 1300 56 46 46 to join rt health and get the rt health check your health deserves!

Peta Gane, member services team



Hormonal shifts that might hit you in the mouth

Hot flushes, sweats and mood swings – the middle years can be a challenging time for many women. And, although most people know about the effects on the body, menopause can also have a big impact on oral health.

To mark Dental Health Week (1-7 August 2016) which focuses on women and oral health this year, rt healthy teeth dentist, Dr Karlien Roper, shares some of the less well-known side effects of menopause.

Dr Karlien says, ‘Most people know that around the middle years, fluctuations in female hormones such as oestrogen can cause a range of problems before, during and around menopause. And, it’s well known that women can become more susceptible to bone problems such as osteoporosis and heart conditions during this time. But there are also a number of related oral health problems.’

Dry mouth

Dipping oestrogen levels affect the amount of water in the body since oestrogen plays a part in controlling fluid regulation[i]  – and that includes the fluid content of the mouth. Couple this with the fact that the body’s ability to conserve water naturally declines with age which means that it’s easier to get dehydrated.

Dehydration can contribute to:

  • Dry mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Tooth decay and gum problems (as oral bacteria produce acids that damage teeth and gums which saliva helps to wash away)
  • Altered taste perception and burning tongue (these could be due to the effects of oestrogen on the nerves that control taste perception).

What you can do

Drinking plenty of water may help keep your body – and your mouth hydrated. Sip some throughout the day – keep a glass or bottle with you. Drinking water after a meal also helps to cleanse the mouth, boosting the action of saliva. Watery foods such as vegetables and fruits are a good choice. But alcohol, advises Dr Karlien, is a natural dehydrator and can make dry mouth worse. So try to dilute alcoholic drinks with water and enjoy water or other non-alcoholic alternatives between alcoholic drinks. Chewing sugar-free gum after eating is also a good idea, as it triggers saliva flow helping to cleanse the mouth after eating.


Dr Karlien adds: ‘Whatever the cause, if you feel your mouth is dry, see your dentist. Your dentist may refer you to a specialist to find out the cause as dry mouth and taste changes can be distressing. Reduced saliva production also means that oral problems can worsen because bacteria have more time and opportunity to stay in contact with the teeth, causing damage to both teeth and gums.’

Guidance for gums

Some conditions that affect the gums are more common in the years after menopause, again, because of fluctuating levels of hormones that directly affect the oral cavity[ii]. The majority of women – 60 per cent – experience periodontal (gum) problems[iii].

Signs of gum disease include:

  • Sensitive, soft or swollen gums
  • Receding gums
  • A change in colour of the gums
  • Gum pain
  • Bleeding gums.

 What you can do

‘Keep it clean!’ says Dr Karlien. ‘The cause of gum disease is the build-up of bacteria between the gums and teeth and this causes irritation, inflammation and bleeding (gingivitis). So, between-teeth cleaning is vital.’ Because the gums are the foundation for your teeth, a weak foundation could even lead to tooth loss.

‘Gingivitis is not a serious condition,’ continues Dr Karlien. ‘The problem is that it can progress to a more serious form of gum disease, periodontitis. This involves deeper infection and can result in potential tooth loss. Periodontitis is also linked with chronic (long-term) diseases such as heart disease[iv], as bacteria from infected gums pass through damaged gum tissue and enter the bloodstream causing heart problems. This is why it’s vital to keep teeth and gums as healthy as possible not just at home, but with professional dental health check-ups and treatment.’


Hormones and bones

The risk of osteoporosis increases rapidly just after menopause and the jawbone, like other bones, can be affected. This is because oestrogen blocks the enzyme that causes bone breakdown[v].

What you can do

Get enough calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is the major mineral in bones and teeth while vitamin D is vital for the absorption of calcium. Foods such as cheese, broccoli and tofu are great sources of calcium and you can get enough vitamin D by going outside. This can help to prevent erosion but won’t be enough to restore bone loss. Your doctor may prescribe treatment to rebalance your hormone levels if you have severe bone loss.


Tips to keep your teeth

Wear and tear is natural with age. And so, protecting your teeth is as vital ever. ‘Twice daily brushing and flossing are great home maintenance habits. But seeing your dentist for a professional clean and check-up are vital too. Small challenges can be picked up early by your dentist and effective treatments can keep you smiling for the long term,’ ends Dr Karlien Roper.

About the author

In her work at rt healthy teeth, Dr Karlien Roper enjoys the variety of services offered to her patients and also has a keen interest in cosmetic dentistry, facial aesthetics and endodontics. Married with two beautiful boys, Dr Karlien enjoys spending time with her family, cheering her family on at the sports fields, having a braai (South African barbecue) with friends and travelling.

Dr Karlien Roper
Dr Karlien Roper, Dentist at rt healthy teeth

[i]  PubMed – NCBI. Sex Hormone Effects on Body Fluid Regulation.

[ii] PubMed – NCBI. Menopause and oral health.

[iii] PubMed – NCBI. Oral Health and Menopause: A Comprehensive Review on Current Knowledge and Associated Dental Management.

[iv] WebMD. Periodontal Disease and Heart Health.

[v] ScienceDaily. How Estrogen Protects Bones.

Where we get our inspiration …

What have I learnt from my children?

In honour of International Women’s Day, we share some thoughts about what being a mum means to some of the ladies that connect with rt health fund.

Children learn by what they see

‘My girls are now almost 21 and 19 and over their lifetime, I have learnt (finally) that they really do learn things from you by watching the way you do things again and again.

In order for them to live happily and healthily, I realise that I need to be living that way too. If I don’t love myself enough to look after myself well, that’s what they will learn too. You know that safety instruction that you’re given on airplanes about putting on your own oxygen mask first? Well I understand that this is so important in so many ways …

My children have brought me to the peaks of joy and pride, and to the depths of despair and frustration. So I guess you could say they have also taught me to be resilient.’

Fiona Riley, Transport Women Australia Ltd (TWAL)

Fiona’s daughters Lauren in pink and Morgan in black
Fiona’s daughters, Lauren in pink and Morgan in black

A child’s smile can lift you from the worries of the world!

‘My children have taught me that no matter what is going on in our lives, that the smile of an innocent child can make all the worries in the world disappear – even if only momentarily!’

Katrina Jorgensen, Queensland Rail

Katrina with her sons Cooper and Joshua
Katrina with her sons Cooper and Joshua  

Be there!

‘What have I learnt from my children? One of the biggest factors is the value of being ‘present!’  No amount of gifts can make up for not being there when your children need you.’

Lisa Acret, Queensland Trucking Association Ltd. 

Lisa with her son Mitchell
Lisa with her son Mitchell

I now know that if it is to be …

‘I have learnt a couple of things from my children …

  1. If it’s to be, then it’s up to me …
  2. Self-belief. My children have shown me the importance of being the best you can be. Have dreams and ambitions and then do what you can to bring them to fruition.’

Maureen Paterson, Encompass Credit Union

To be a better person

‘I have learnt some very important lessons from my two daughters, most of all to not be selfish.

Having to be totally responsible for these precious girls and raising them to become independent, selfless women has made me take a good look at myself. And I am still learning from them! I can definitely say that I am certainly a better person for having them.

My mum reminded me the other day that family and relationships are all that matters. And it’s true.’

Jen Bogaart, rt health fund member 

Jen with her daughters Emersen and Layla
Jen with her daughters Emersen and Layla

Excitement for the future

‘What I feel that I have learnt most from my beautiful seven-month-old son so far is that joy and innocence still exists in the world that we live in.

Seeing life through his eyes is so very refreshing. It really is the simple things in life that matter. I feel so blessed to have a happy and healthy son whom my husband Brenton and I adore beyond measure and would do anything for. I’m sure that every parent feels exactly the same.

I am so very excited for the future and all of the milestones to come as we watch little Oliver grow up and experience the wonderful journey of life.’

Rachael Tickner, QRI Lifestyle

Rachael and Brenton with their son Oliver
Rachael and Brenton with their son Oliver

It’s about patience and understanding

‘I am blessed to be the mother of four wonderful children (two amazing adults and two school-age children) and have learnt many things. But one of the most significant of these is the need for patience and understanding.

My children make me stop, listen and really appreciate the important things in life. Children feel happy and secure when they have good friends around them and I have learnt to appreciate the comfort that comes from friendship, both in their lives and in my own. I enjoy the funny things they do, we laugh a lot. And, I love joining them when they are being creative – it helps keep me feeling young.’

Mary Mason, rt health fund member

Patience is a virtue

‘As a mum to three beautiful children, I have learnt to cultivate patience – which I really didn’t believe I had in me. I have also learnt not to assume anything, not to jump to conclusions and to understand that things are not always as they might seem at first.’

Linda Rollason, rt health fund member

Sharing life, love and counsel

‘My children are now adults in their own right – loving and capable wives and mothers. I have learnt that you cannot love too much or give too much of your time, presence or counsel, and that I am still a part of their lives as they will always be a part of mine. I know that, to them, it is very important that I take care of my health and remain active and that they want to know about and be a part of my life, just as I want to know what is happening in their lives and my grandchildren’s lives. These are the things that are important to me.’

Maureen McAlorum, rt health fund member

Maureen with her granddaughter, Bianca
Maureen with her granddaughter, Bianca

Sharing life, love and counsel

‘My children have taught me to not hold grudges. A stressful morning of spilt cereal, half-dressed children, forgotten library bags and meltdowns over lost, adorable purple unicorns can all be forgotten when they give you a hug and tell you that you’re the best mum in the world. Or, they flash a cheeky smile with a freshly picked flower in their hand!’

Ali Rees, rt health fund member

Ali, her husband Brett and their children Nevaeh and Travis
Ali, Brett and their children Nevaeh and Travis

This message is brought to you by rt health fund’s Strategic Business Development Manager, Rebecca Delahaye and Key Account Managers; Alison Weatherill, David Stock and Cassandra Reynolds.

Transport Women: this is how we bring on the balance!

With so much to do and so little time to do it, stress seems to be an ever-present fact of life for many of us. And finding the time to unwind can be hard. Yet it’s so important for your health.

Alison Weatherill, key account manager from rt health fund recently attended the Transport Women Australia Limited (TWAL) conference in Victoria. She asked the delegates what they do to rest, decompress and find some balance.

Here’s what the high-powered women in our industry had to say …

Gabrielle Labbett Photo
Gabrielle Labbett

‘I love cooking healthy foods and I practice meditation and self care by taking some down time – when the opportunity presents itself that is!’

Gabrielle Labbett, Transport Training & Compliance Consultant

‘For me, it’s all about rebalancing by pottering in the garden, curling up with a good book or cooking up a storm in the kitchen. But being with my boys, having the occasional massage and walking along the beach also helps to keep the stress levels at bay!’

Judy Green
Judy Green

Judy Green, Senior Training Packaging Specialist, TLISC

‘I’m a teenager. I don’t have stress yet!’

Lauren Riley, helper at TWAL

‘I love to burn essential oils for a restful, welcoming atmosphere in the house.  For ‘me time’, there is nothing as good as kicking back and relaxing with a good book!’

Merry Manton, Authorised Representative

‘I find Reiki sessions every four to five weeks help to restore me. Oh, and so does playing with my dogs.’

Fiona Riley, Administrator, TWAL                         

‘I enjoy reading – I find it’s both restful and relaxing.’

Kaye O’Donnell, Office Manager, Epsom Express

Pam McMillan and Sharon Middleton_resized
Pam McMillan pictured with Sharon Middleton.

‘Reading, listening to music, time out – including time without phones – plus travel all help me to rest, refresh and re-energise.’

Pam McMillan, self employed

‘There are a few things that help keep me grounded – from walking to spending an hour at the spa.  I like getting outdoors, too, and enjoy whaleboat rowing and meeting up with friends for a chat. I also think it’s important to take 5 or 10 minutes of mindfulness (there is a free app for that!) when needed!’

Tammy Whitehead, Director, Glenara Transport

‘To wind down, I love chilling with family, and cuddling my cat. Plus, I enjoy a good read and a pampering manicure/pedicure.’

Carol and  Ian Single Photograph
Ian and Carol Single

Di Caldwell-Smith, National Manager Sales and Marketing, Diversa Group

‘I love my Monday night yoga class, riding our new pushbikes with our grandchildren, and swimming.’

Carol Single, Director/Owner, Single Transport Services

Lisa Acret

‘Cooking, spending time with family, seeing my friends, and walking my dog all help me to relax and manage stress.’

Lisa Acret, Membership Service Manager, QTA Ltd

‘Talking and enjoying time with my family, walking my dogs, spending time with my horses and quilting all help me to wind down and stress less.’

Jacqelene Brotherton
Jacquelene Brotherton

Maria Cooper, Compliance, Fruithaul

‘To wind down and decompress? Music, exercise and a massage!’

Kylie Nolan, Brand Specialist, PACCAR Australia

‘To help me wind down I like regular massages and reading a good book with my cat on my lap!’

Jacquelene Brotherton, Transport Manager, Oxford Cold Storage    

Photo of Sharon Middleton
Sharon Middleton

‘Stressing less, in the absence of being able to take holidays, revolves around being organised, prioritising and clocking off for an occasional facial or pamper treatment. The results are like a ‘claytons’ holiday, keeping me refreshed to deal with the constant challenges transport throws my way!’

Sharon Middleton, Director, Whiteline Transport                            

International Women’s Day

Social-Media-International-Women's-Day-15To celebrate today, International Women’s Day, we asked women in the transport and energy industries what inspires them personally and professionally. While they each come from different backgrounds and work in different roles, they are all leaders in their field and demonstrate that women are an integral part of today’s workplace, even in industries that are traditionally male dominated. So be inspired by what inspires these fantastic mothers, daughters, wives, sisters, colleagues and leaders!

Triple inspiration

Kathryn Tomlinson_resized‘There are three women who inspire me every day because they all ask, ‘what can I do?’

My mother, who at the age of 79 is the unpaid President of a St Vinnies Op Shop where she manages over 50 volunteers.

The public figure, Quentin Bryce, who has just handed down her report ‘Not now, Not ever,’ putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland.

And, the mother of Luke and Australian of the Year, Rosie Batty, who has found the courage to speak out against domestic violence.

All of these women inspire me to be a better person and to focus on the part that I can play, to make the world a little better, too.’

Kathryn Tomlinson, Consultant, Health and Wellbeing, Organisational Performance and Risk Corporate Operations, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Recognising women in the workplaceMich-Elle Myers_resized

‘Despite the maritime industry being male-dominated, women play an ever-growing and vital role within it.

This day is important to recognise how essential women are to all workplaces; whether it be the wharf, the deck, the emergency room, or the truck driver’s seat.’

Mich-Elle Myers, National Women’s Liaison Officer, National EAS Coordinator, Growth and Campaigns Team, Maritime Union of Australia (MUA).

Shining a light on our amazing industry

Sharon Middleton_resized‘Knowing how vital the road and transport industry is to everyday life inspires me to strive for excellence and professionalism, so our industry is viewed in a positive light in the broader community and the business and government sectors.’

Sharon Middleton, Director, Whiteline Transport; President, South Australian Road Transport Association (SARTA); Australian Trucking Association (ATA) National Trucking Industry Woman of the Year 2013; and part of the National Road Transport Hall of Fame.

Positive changes add up to a lot

Jenny Fellows_resized‘Family and community are my inspiration. Living in a relatively small community, the strength of the community never ceases to amaze me. Every individual has a story and these inspire me, particularly people who achieve a lot in their lifetime. The positive changes and contributions that an individual or group can make to their communities also encourage me.’

Jenny Fellows, Fellows Transport, pictured with her youngest son Tom and her nephew, Will.

Because everyone is an equal

Kathy Sutherland_resized‘What has inspired me personally and professionally is hard work, honesty, learning from mistakes, learning from others, treating all as equals, empowering colleagues to learn and grow and not being afraid to take chances in my career (something I’ve learnt far too late in life!).’

Kathy Sutherland, VP, HR APAC Cab and Vehicle Assembly, Volvo.

For the good of a great industry

‘I have been inspired by a variety of people over the years and I suppose it is all about having a better industry and lifestyle. Being a small operator, I had wanted to support/mentor other small operators, particularly those women managing their various businesses while their husbands/partners were away driving and earning a living.

In thePam McMillan and Sharon Middleton_resized early 90s Bruce McIver – then the Road Transport Forum (RTF) Chairman – absolutely inspired me to try to do great things, and to know that it WAS possible.

Phyllis Jones is also an inspiration to me, she just gets in and does stuff, no fuss and bother and age is no barrier.

Noelene Watson inspires me with her no-nonsense attitude and the struggle it was for her losing a husband and just getting in and taking over her business and raising a family, and then getting involved in industry organisations for the good of the industry. These people are all selfless and don’t promote themselves for accolades which I believe is an admirable quality in anyone.’

Pam McMillan, DP Haulage, pictured with Sharon Middleton.

Inspired by drivers, inspired by their families

Tracie Dickenson_resized‘Although I became involved in this industry by default (falling in love with a truck driver), it is one of the most challenging industries I believe exists. I am inspired by the drivers and their families. I believe they do not receive the recognition they deserve. I know there are certain drivers who may taint the industry but there are far more good drivers than not.

It is important that we recognise and encourage women in our industry, as I believe women are very capable of many aspects in the transport sector. I am very proud to say today that my daughter Betina spoke at the annual Queensland Trucking Association (QTA) Women’s International Day Breakfast with two other very inspiring women who all spoke about how to make it happen. I am hoping to continue to look at ways to involve both the youth and more young women in our industry and work on keeping them with us throughout their careers. Transport is not for everyone, but once you become involved, it’s very hard to leave such a great industry.’

Tracie Dickenson, Daryl Dickenson Transport.

Courage, positivity and passionElaine-Felstein_resized

‘Personally, my late mother’s courage, positive attitude and determination to overcome her battle with cancer inspired and continues to inspire me every day. Throughout my career, I have been very fortunate to work with talented and innovative people who have inspired me to stretch beyond what I thought was possible and encouraged my passion for life-long learning. This has inspired me professionally.’

Elaine Felstein, Senior Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator, Energy Skills Queensland.

Inspiration is all around

Katharina Gerstmann_resized‘My professional inspiration is no different from my personal inspiration and it is everywhere, in the strangest places… Thoughts about how to improve a process, create a more cohesive team, add a service offering, entice a member or create a sales opportunity. It may strike at anytime or happen while attending a non-related industry meeting, reading a newspaper or journal, daydreaming, or talking with colleagues about their experience. I would encourage everyone to just be ready for when you may be inspired!’

Katharina Gerstmann, Senior Associate Transport / Market Segment Lead Rail, Beca.

A passion for life

‘My life experience in the transportation industry has been extraordinary! I have Jacquelene Brotherton_resizedtravelled to many countries and visited many transport and associated businesses within the industry and met incredible people who share my passion, which inspires me.  Although not a natural choice for most women, the transport industry has enabled me to fulfil most of my life ambitions.’

Jacquelene Brotherton, Transport Manager, Oxford Cold Storage.

Personal and professional inspirationJulie Puttockdriver trainer for NSW Trainlink, who is also an RTBU delegate and member of rt health fund_resized

‘Personally, my mum inspires me, being a cancer survivor. My kids also inspire me daily to be the best mum that I can be. Professionally I am inspired by aiming to be the best in my role as a driver trainer and to be someone that people can look up to.’

Julie Puttock, Driver and Trainer, Sydney Intercity, NSW TrainLink and RTBU delegate, pictured with her children Jess and Cameron.

Inspiration through life lessons 

‘I have learnt that life can change in an instant and that inspired me to cherish every moment. Living with my foster siblings, who had gone through some terrible times, was inspiring growing up as I saw that people can get through whatever obstacles come their way and they taught me compassion and deep love.

Heather Jones - credit Tony McDonough 2_resized
Photo credit: Tony McDonough

Being in an abusive marriage as a young mother of small girls, I learnt to walk my own road. I made a choice not to be a victim but a survivor and to take charge of my life’s direction. I became a professional truck driver and took my girls on the road. I wanted to share this fabulous career with other women, which lead me to start my own business, Success Transport. In 2014 I co-founded Pilbara Heavy Haulage Girls to showcase the incredible achievements of women in the transport sector and to encourage more women into truck driving careers.

In the words of Hillary Clinton, ‘Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world’, so let’s use them!’

Heather Jones, Director, Success Transport.

Professional and personal strength

Jodie Broadbent_resized‘I have been inspired by a lot of women in the trucking industry. Women like Noelene Watson, who have a ‘just deal with it’ no-nonsense approach to their work and life, have been great to learn from. Watching people like Noelene, who has dealt with some tremendous issues in her life, I have learnt that it simply does not matter whether you’re a woman or a man. Achieving what you need to, efficiently, safely and capably, is what’s important, in business and in life.’

Jodie Broadbent, Manager, Road Freight NSW.

Brought to you by Strategic Business Development Manager, Rebecca Delahaye and Key Account Managers; Alison Weatherill, David Stock and Cassandra Steen from rt health fund.